Group Packages

Ensure your group successfully implements what they learn!

Without the right approach, team development often goes in one ear and out the other. This is even more prevalent with larger groups.

Don't let your investment go to waste! Choose from 3 different levels of engagement to take your team learning to it's maximum potential.

Each level increases the chances of success for your team and includes a full year of learning opportunities.

Annual Pricing per Student

# of
Instruction & Support
2 $396.71 $595.46 $1,787.96
3-5 $236.09 $432.97 $905.47
6-10 $232.35 $426.10 $658.60
11-15 $228.60 $419.22 $571.72
16-20 $224.85 $412.35 $524.85
21-25 $221.10 $405.48 $493.98
26-30 $217.36 $398.61 $471.11
31-35 $213.61 $391.73 $452.80
36-40 $209.86 $384.86 $437.63
41-45 $206.11 $377.99 $423.82
46-50 $202.37 $371.12 $411.62

For more than 50 students, please reach out.

See above for a detailed breakdown of what is included in each level:

  • Group Discounts: Group rates for 1-year of access to the Sell More Cyber Program ($499 value per student)
  • Private Instruction: 1-year access to the Sell More Cyber Program + Private Instruction of the Selling for Cyber Risk Course for your group
  • Private Instruction & Support: In addition to the 1-year access to the Sell More Cyber Program and Private Instruction, get Dedicated Private Office Hours for your team

Monthly payment options available upon request

Interested in learning more?

Complete the form below to get help with questions or to request a group order.

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